...t and Innovation related collaboration (=RDI). DAREnet is building a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, operating in a network of civilprotection organisations, and supported...
...ng events.
Innovations might be any (not just technical) solution, that improves the efficiency or resilience towards floods in the field of civilprotection.
"Best-practices" can be suc...
...Awareness Systems. The situational awareness requirements from the civilprotection practitioners are the ba...ctitioners, and further stakeholders in the administration level of civilprotection as well.
Lead author: Hanna...
Dear civilprotection practitioner,
The present list of practitioners’ requirements is a working document, created to be served as basis for further discussion among th...
...le for discussion on the following pages.
In detail we are covering the 6 RDI topic groups during this first cycle.
CivilProtection training
CivilProtection methods, procedures and techn...
The questionnaire to CivilProtection practitioners is now available here:
ht...support cross-border and multi stakeholder, civilprotection operations.
The results o...sed anonymously by SAYSO, a not for profit, CivilProtection practitioner led EU funded pr...
Tags: emergency responders, Civilprotection, Civilprotection authorities and first responders, requirements, survey, SAYSO
Dear civilprotection practitioners,
For paving the way for future developments of Situational Awareness Systems for multiple stakeholders we started with gathering first req...
Dear civilprotection practitioners,
After collecting first insights into the practitioners’ requ...nk are most technologies not used among most of the practitioners in civilprotection?
What could be possible...
...cations of Situational Awareness tools matching the actual needs of civilprotection practitioners and emerge...bsp;getting involved in the development of innovative solutions for civilprotection or emergency response, a...
...f innovative Situational Awareness Systems (multiple sensors, computer-based decision support) for improved coordination of multi-stakeholder civilprotection operations.
The SAYSO missio...
...y, welcome to the SAYSO community of end-users and practitioners in civilprotection. In this space you will...ed decision support) for improved coordination of multi-stakeholder civilprotection operations.
The SAYSO missio...
Brief description: Understanding Seismic Waves Generated by Train Traffic via Modeling: Implications for Seismic...ring at different scales with applications to near‐surface surveys (aquifers, civil engi...
On the one hand Deputy Fire Chief and Teamleader for international interventions as well as Head of Operational Headquarter of the Fire Services Association of Lower Austria, and on the other hand Head of Austrian Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell of Civil Aviation Authority of Austria.