Andreas Herndler

Last name: Herndler
First name: Andreas
Title: Mr
Organisation: Fire Service Austria / Civil Aviation Authority
Brief description: On the one hand Deputy Fire Chief and Teamleader for international interventions as well as Head of Operational Headquarter of the Fire Services Association of Lower Austria, and on the other hand Head of Austrian Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell of Civil Aviation Authority of Austria.
Position: Head of Operational Headquarter / Head of Austrian Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell
Region: Lower Austria / Vienna
City: Krems
Postal Code: 3500
Category of stakeholder

Andreas Herndler serves as

  • Head of Operational Headquarter of the Fire Services Association of Lower Austria (1.700 Fire Services) in case of catastrophees
  • Teamleader of Operational Headquarter of the Fire Services Association of Lower Austria in case of international interventions (EU-ERCC/UCPM, NATO-EADRCC)
  • Deputy Fire Chief of the City of Krems (OF-3)
  • Head of Austrian Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Austria at the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology.


Before joining the CAA he used to work as a technical IT-expert / CIO for a global acting manufacturer, providing global data network and enterprise ressource planing systems to all of their production and sales facilities/sites for 13 years.

Profile Completeness
