DAREnet is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innovation related collaboration. DAREnet will build a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, operating in a network of civil protection organisations, and supported by a broad range of stakeholders from policy, industry and research. Together we will build a transnational and interdisciplinary ecosystem to foster synergies, innovation and its uptake.
A well-structured and professionally supported dialogue of practitioners from all relevant disciplines will drive the process of identifying, assessing and programming innovation in the Danube region. This dialogue will be built on first-hand experience and state of the art knowledge, and refined in an iterative process, enriched by other key-stakeholders, such as flood mitigation experts from the industry and academia, and representatives of the relevant political/institutional actors, namely the European Commission and related programmes, such as EU Strategy for the Danube River, as well as the relevant national, regional and local authorities.
The DAREnet Dialogue will rely on the DAREnet Community, which will support professional social networking and online collaboration. This platform will allow continuous interaction between dozens and ultimately hundreds of community members to catalyse innovation between practitioners, academics and industry.
One of the key-results of DAREnet will be a regularly updated Research and Innovation Roadmap highlighting promising innovation opportunities to cope with the main environmental and societal challenges of the region. It will provide concrete perspectives for the further development, industrialisation and uptake of innovations of highest relevance for practitioners. The Roadmap will be the result of a systematic assessment and prioritisation of promising innovations deriving from the DAREnet Community, including standardisation to foster the development of common capabilities.
DAREnet is currently preparing its second Research and Innovation Roadmap and needs your support for this. In this second roadmapping cycle, DAREnet focuses on the aspect of training for different actions and specific tasks. In this context, DAREnet is interested in requirements or current gaps in the training of practitioners. Furthermore, we want to promote the discussions on possible (training) solutions.
Please support DAREnet in elaborating its second Research and Innovation Roadmap by providing your input here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/2ndDAREnetCycle.
Thank you very much for your support!
Innovations can be anything, that would improve our capabilities to fight floods: powerful tools, best practices, tricks to avoid mistakes, etc.
"Best-practices" can be training concepts, certificates, standard operation procedures, etc which you think might be useful for others.
To find out, what your colleagues suggest, check out our open DAREnet Knowlege Base for solutions.
You see a need to improve flood response? You face issues/problems and look for solutions? Discuss your needs and problems with the DAREnet community.