7 results for "roadmapping"


  • DAREnet Community

    DAREnet Community

    ...can support DAREnet DAREnet is currently preparing its second Research and Innovation Roadmap and needs your support for this. In this second roadmapping cycle, DAREnet focuses on the...




    • Balazs Kern

      2nd RDI Topic WG Workshop

      DAREnet has kicked off its second roadmapping cycle. This cycle is dedicated to the topic of practitioner training. We have organised a workshop to discuss with you the needs and innova...
      • Balazs Kern

        DAREnet Webinar 2nd Roadmapping Cycle

        ...In the course of the project, we foresee 4 roadmapping cycles, of which the first is...concluded. We have recently started the 2nd roadmapping cycle, which has a thematic f...r region and its main findings present the roadmapping concept and its scenario base...
