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DAREnet Webinar 2nd Roadmapping Cycle

By Balazs Kern
DAREnet Webinar 2nd Roadmapping Cycle
Wednesday, July 3 2019
16:00 to 17:30

DAREnet is a European project aiming at strengthening flood resilience in the Danube river region. Our approach is to connect national and European practitioners/stakeholders in order to enable them to identify and analyse by and for themselves relevant innovation gaps and to translate the gaps into a joint innovation strategy to improve flood resilience in the future. This joint innovation strategy is being laid down in the DAREnet RDI Roadmap. In the course of the project, we foresee 4 roadmapping cycles, of which the first is already concluded. We have recently started the 2nd roadmapping cycle, which has a thematic focus on training. This cycle, like all DAREnet roadmapping cycles consists of 5 major steps: [1] we are collecting bottom-up and specifying practitioner challenges related to flood events and [2] identify relevant solutions (e.g. deriving from research and innovation results) to address these challenges. Based on this, we [3] prioritise innovation opportunities (including assessment against several factors) that seem most promising for practitioners and [4] translate them into the DAREnet RDI Roadmap. Finally, we [5] launch Calls for Initiatives based on the RDI Roadmap, i.e. practitioners have the opportunity to sketch their initiatives in short concept papers. We will evaluate these papers and advise the “applicants” how they could realise their concepts. For more information on this, please consult darenetproject.eu.


As we would like to involve as many experts as possible in this process, we kindly invite you to a Webinar where we will

  • briefly present the first version of the Research, Development and Innovation Roadmap for the Danube river region and its main findings
  • present the roadmapping concept and its scenario based-approach
  • invite you to discuss with us the coherence and completeness of the presented approach and gather valuable input from you


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