22 results for "specifications"




    • RBE

      What is Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP)?

      ...f products The selected solution providers work in parallel to complete the deliverables due to the public authority for each phase (design specifications, prototype, test report etc.)...
      • RBE

        SAYSO survey of Practitioners' requirements

        ...The results of this survey will be used anonymously by SAYSO, a not for profit, Civil Protection practitioner led EU funded project, to draw specifications for innovative future Situati...





      • SA-IN-EU


        Handling the crises faced by modern societies often requires the coordination of multiple types of stakeholders from different countries. One of the key requirements to manage crisis is to have access to situational awareness (SA). However, current SA solutions (SAS) are not adapted to operate in...
        Tags: Situational awareness, civil protection, operational decision making, specifications, Reference architecture, Practitioners requirements, Interoperability, Human factors, Procurement, Standards
      • SA-IN-EU - Community of Suppliers of Situational Awareness Systems

        SA-IN-EU - Community of Suppliers of Situational Awareness Systems

        Tags: Situational awareness, Civil protection, operational decision making, Specifications, Reference architecture, Practitioners requirements, Interoperability, Human factors, Procurement, Standards