...oadmapping cycle, DAREnet focuses on the aspect of training for different actions and specific tasks. In this context, DAREnet is interested in requirements or current gaps in the traini...
...rformance, acceptance and quality(“bestpractice”) in regions where exploration activities are frequent and extensive and(2)specific requirements of European local communities...
...ts of the deliverable "Preliminary inventory of practitioners’ requirements" (EC reference D2.2) and "Sta...D2.1) to look into gaps between the State-of-the-art (SOTA) and the requirements of practitioners. The gaps th...
...all stakeholders involved. This report identifies the user needs and requirements of the future EU Multi-Stakeh...uch standards. Furthermore, existing procurement processes and legal requirements are identified. It is recomme...
This online survey aims to collect a comprehensive list of key requirements and features that future Situ...
Tags: emergency responders, Civil protection, Civil protection authorities and first responders, requirements, survey, SAYSO
a gap analysis between the State-of-the-art and the requirements of civil protection practitio...The MSSAS Base incorporates the results of: (a) analysis of end user-requirements, (b) SOTA Situational Awarene...
...inary during the progress and further work in SAYSO. Therefore, we would give you the chance to enrich with more details concerning aspects and requirements for Multi-Stakeholder Situati...
...zation (DIN) in Berlin. Its aim is to get feedback on the first project results so that they can be further refined. Notably, the practitioners requirements identified and the existing S...
...Enet partners with ethical training by the Ethical Advisor in order to prepare data collection in the national networks, compliant with ethical requirements; and
to shoot the DAREnet pr...
...efits of attending the webinar:
Gain expert insight into SAYSO, its activities, and the areas covered by the project, including practitioner requirements, system spécifications...
...he State of the Art Situational Awareness Tools that fulfil end-user requirements and that can be used across d...SAYSO ?
SAYSO will define systems specifications based on end-users'requirements and a scalable, collaborative...
...that they can be further refined. Notably, the practitioners’ requirements identified and the existing S...g the SAYSO workshop:
For practitioners: Contribute to refine the requirements for future Situational Awaren...
To reply to our question, please register here to our SA-IN-EU community platform. Once registered, please select yes / no / no opinion as an answer below.
...rridor K, proceed to gate L and use the external emergency stairway to the ground floor. Each plan is adaptable to the unique district and user requirements.
Testing the total emergency...
...that satisfied site specific constraints, HSE&Q and other client requirements.
The continuity afforded f...ese are flexible and could be moved to suit shipping and/or gate use requirements.
VolkerStevin has also car...
The questionnaire to Civil Protection practitioners is now available here:
This online survey aims to collect a comprehensive list of key requirements and features that future Situational Awareness systems and tools...
Tags: emergency responders, Civil protection, Civil protection authorities and first responders, requirements, survey, SAYSO