The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different...ulti-disciplinary community of practitioners, operating in a network of civil protecti...
...t DAREnet roadmapping cycle, addressing the fields of
Civil Protection Training
Civil Protection Methods, Procedures and Technology
Spontaneous Volunteers
Resilience of Citizens
Communication and
General D...
...ering the 6 RDI topic groups during this first cycle.
Civil Protection training
Civil Protection methods, procedures and technology
Spontaneous volunteers
Resilience of citizens
General Data...
...Finally, there is an overall benefit for the citizens and policy makers as better relevant with SAYSO in the frame of Civil Protection. PCP actions funding by the E...for future PCP actions in the frame of Civil Protection.
Brief description: The PACIFIC symposium and Kallak Workshop will take place on 27-28 October 2021 at the Killian Amphitheater of the Earth Science Institute (ISTerre)....
Brief description: Funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Universite Grenoble Alpes, PACIFIC is a research project in the field of mineral exploration....
The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innovation related collaboration (=RDI). DAREnet is building a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, ope...