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Open EU-ToxRisk Symposium & EU-ToxRisk General Assembly 2019

By Charlotte Birke
Tuesday, February 12 2019 11:00
to Thursday, February 14 2019 17:00

  EU-ToxRisk Logo

Open EU-ToxRisk Symposium (12-13 Feb. 2019) EU-ToxRisk General Assembly (12-15 Feb. 2019),

Egmond aan Zee (The Netherlands)


Welcome on the registration website of the Open EU-ToxRisk Symposium & EU-ToxRisk General Assembly 2019, taking place from Tue 12 Feb to Thu 14 Feb 2019 in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, at the Hotel Zuiderduin.

The Open EU-ToxRisk Symposium, which is a public event and open to all interested stakeholders, takes place on Tue 12 Feb and Wed 13 Feb 2019.

The EU-ToxRisk General Assembly will run from Tue 12 Feb to Thu 14 Feb 2019.

Parallel sessions for WP, CS and other team meetings will take place on all meeting days, and some of them will also be held on Mon 11 Feb 2019, before the official kick-off of the Open Symposium & General Assembly.

For any questions regarding the event programme or logistics, or if you need help with your registration, please contact the EU-ToxRisk Project Office at eu-toxrisk-arttic@eurtd.com.




Below please find an overview of the programme per day and linked objectives.
The full agenda (final version) can be downloaded in the "Files" section at the bottom this page.

Day 0 – Mon 11 Feb 2019: EU-ToxRisk TempO-Seq / CS4 / CS5 meetings

  • For the TempO-Seq meeting, to follow up on the initial TCs and discuss pending issues.
  • For the Case Study meetings, to discuss remaining questions and issues in view of finalisation of the Case Studies and preparation of linked mock submissions, as applicable.

Day 1 – Tue 12 Feb 2019: EU-ToxRisk Open Symposium & General Assembly; Parallel sessions: CS meetings

  • For the Case Study meetings, to discuss remaining questions and issues in view of finalisation of the Case Studies and preparation of linked mock submissions, as applicable.
  • For the Open Symposium & General Assembly, to (1) provide insight in the learnings from EU-ToxRisk read across case studies; (2) provide insight in the new EU-ToxRisk case studies for the second half of the project; (3) provide interaction framework with industry and regulatory stakeholders.

Day 2 – Wed 13 Feb 2019: EU-ToxRisk Open Symposium & General Assembly; Parallel sessions: RAB debrief, WP and CS meetings

  • For the Open Symposium and General Assembly, (1) to provide insight in the scientific progress of development and application of new approach methods for chemical safety assessment; (2) to provide insight in opportunities for joint case studies with EU-ToxRisk consortium.
  • For the RAB debrief meeting, to prepare feedback to, and recommendations for the project.
  • For the WP4/WP10 meeting, to discuss pending issues, clarify open questions, define the way forward for the months to come.
  • For the CS2 meeting, to discuss remaining questions and issues in view of finalisation of the Case Study.
  • For the Low-Tox CS kick-off meeting, to align all partners to the objectives of the case study and agree what experimental work will be conducted in the first phase of testing.

Day 3 – Thu 14 Feb 2019: EU-ToxRisk General Assembly; Parallel sessions: SAB debrief, Ab Initio workshop, WP and ST meetings

  • For the SAB debrief meeting, to prepare feedback to, and recommendations for the project.
  • For the General Assembly session, to receive feedback from the external advisory boards (SAB, RAB), present/remind the project partners of strategic project topics, and discuss any other business, if needed.
  • For the Ab Initio Safety Assessment workshop, to discuss the link between toxicology science and full ab initio safety assessments of chemicals (target audience: EU-ToxRisk partners, RAB, SAB).
  • For the WP meetings, to discuss pending issues, clarify open questions, define the way forward for the months to come.
  • For the Steering Team meeting, to debrief on the Open Symposium & General Assembly and discuss any identified issues.



To make this meeting possible, participants are asked to cover certain costs linked to the event:

  • Accommodation:
    67.50 EUR/pers./night
    Day arrangement (lunch, coffee/tea/water during the breaks):
    Full-day: 35.00 EUR/day/pers.
    Half-day: 27.50 EUR/day/pers.
    Dinner (external stakeholders only):
    Van Speijk restaurant (Tue 12 Feb. 2019): 34.50 EUR/pers.
    N.B.: Participation to be paid at the reception desk of the Zuiderduin hotel, upon arrival.

 The organisers will cover the following expenses:

  • Renting of meeting rooms and technical equipment
  • Dinner on all meeting days for EU-ToxRisk project members (except Mon 11 Feb 2019)
  • Shuttle service between the event venue and the airport/train station (individually organised transportation has to be paid by the participants)


To facilitate arrival and departure, the EU-ToxRisk Project Office will organise free shuttle transfer for all meeting participants from Amsterdam Centraal train station and Schiphol Airport to Egmond aan Zee and back.

The final time table for the shuttles is the following:


  • Mon 11 Feb 2019:
    - 13:15pm CET from Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal to Egmond aan Zee
    - 20:00pm CET from Amsterdam Centraal to Egmond aan Zee
    20:30pm CET (NEW TIME) from Schiphol Airport to Egmond aan Zee
  • Tue 12 Feb 2019:
    - 09:00am CET from Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal  to Egmond aan Zee
    - 09:45am CET from Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal to Egmond aan Zee


  • Tue 12 Feb 2019:
    - 18:30pm CET from Egmond aan Zee to Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal
  • Wed 13 Feb 2019:
    - 16:00pm CET from Egmond aan Zee to Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal
  • Thu 14 Feb 2019:
    - 13:30pm CET from Egmond aan Zee to Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal
    - 16:30pm CET from Egmond aan Zee to Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal
    - 17:45pm CET from Egmond aan Zee to Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal

Nota bene: 
1 - The upon listed times are subject to minor changes if this is necessary to gather larger numbers of people per shuttle. The final shuttle times will be announced ca. 1.5 week before the meeting.
2 - Further shuttles at other times might be added to the upon listed ones if enough people can be gathered to fill a shuttle at a certain time.
3 - Individually arranged transfer (by taxi or public transports) will not be covered by the organisers and are at the expense of the participants.
4 -
The venue is also accessible by public transports. Check out the 'HOW TO GET TO EGMOND AAN ZEE BY PUBLIC TRANSPORTS' in the "Files" section below to arrange your arrival/departure individually. 



Registration to the event is mandatory for all participants.

  • To register to the event, please click on the “Register to this event” button in the "Registration" section below.
    A questionnaire will open with a number of questions to reply to. The questionnaire also includes the timetable of the shuttle service, where you can choose your .

Deadline: Fri. 25 January 2019



Accommodation and day arrangements for the meeting (lunch, coffee/tea/water during breaks) have to be booked individually, by each participant.
Reservation of your room and day arrangements at the Zuiderduin hotel has to be done via a separate, dedicated reservation website, set up by the Zuiderduin hotel. This website replaces the former reservation forms to be filled in.

In case of any problems or questions to this respect, please contact the EU-ToxRisk Project Office (eu-toxrisk-arttic@eurtd.com) or the Zuiderduin hotel directly (sales@zuiderduin.nl).

Deadline: Fri. 25 January 2019 COB

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The EU-ToxRisk project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 681002.



Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee (The Netherlands) - Tel.: +31 (0)72-750 2000 - http://www.zuiderduin.nl
Zeeweg 52, 1931 VL Egmond aan Zee, NetherlandsPlan my route
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors



Contact Details


For any questions or help, please contact the EU-ToxRisk Project Office at eu-toxrisk-arttic@eurtd.com