...t International Conference on Water Resources Management is the p...arch results in the fields of Water Resources Management. The con...lnerability and resilience of water resources systems in the face...hods
Numerical simulation of water systems
Rainfall-runoff proc...
PegelAlarm contains level data from more than 4,500 water measuring stations in Germany, Austria, S...e. It alerts you to potentially dangerous levels of water so you can react early. The a...falling below you individually specified level limits.
...The European H2020 project SOTERIA (Safe lOng-TERm operation of light water reactors based on Improv...of arrival
Since rates are subject to change depending on occupancy level and Valencia is a busy holida...
...er through speed presentations
Progress at WP level through dedicated breakout se...ht
Day arrangement (lunch, coffee/tea/water during the breaks)
Full-da...rrangements for the meeting (lunch, coffee/tea/water during breaks) have to be boo...
Brief description: Monitoring of fields using body and surface waves reconstructed f...Unfortunately, standard microseismic monitoring is often not useful due to low levels of microseismicity. We propo...
Brief description: Executive summary: As part of WP6 “Social acceptance &a...f interactions with stakeholders and evaluating best practice on a more general level.As the behavioural experiment...
PegelAlarm contains level data from more than 4,500 water measuring stations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, South Tyrol and along the entire Danube. It alerts you to potentially dangerous levels of water so you can react early. The app alerts you when exceeding or falling below you i...