7 results for "library"


    • John Alexander

      John Alexander

      Aquobex is a consultancy and provider of specialist flood mitigation solutions for all flood types. Aquobex Technologies is a sister company specialising in multi-hazard next generation early warning




      • rodlist

        Looking for Input - community library

        ...the wider SAYSO community to help us set up a library which contains among other th...nt we are adding the content ourselves to the library, in future others will be abl...w. You can contact the lead developer for the library directly if you have question...
        Tags: library, sayso, contributions


        • rodlist

          Looking for Input - community library

          We are looking for the involvement of the wider SAYSO community to help us set up a library which contains among other things the following content: symbols used across Europe common terminology, translated for across Europe Reference documents which are relevant At present we are adding ...
          Tags: library, sayso, contributions