16 results for "Flood prevention"


    • John Alexander

      John Alexander

      Aquobex is a consultancy and provider of specialist flood mitigation solutions for all flood types. Aquobex Technologies is a sister company specialising in multi-hazard next generation early warning


    • DAREnet public group

      DAREnet public group

      The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Deve...




    • DAREnet public group

      DAREnet public group

      The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innovation related collaboration (=RDI). DAREnet is building a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, ope...
      Tags: Flood, resilience, network, innovation, protection of citizens, disaster management, Disaster risk management, disaster response, Flood risk management, Flood prevention, Flood protection
      • John Alexander

        John Alexander

        Aquobex is a consultancy and provider of specialist flood mitigation solutions for all flood types. Aquobex Technologies is a sister company specialising in multi-hazard next generation early warning
        Area of interest: Flood alert, Flood risk management, flood protection systems, Flood prevention, early warning, forecasting, Modelling