20 results for "Expert System"


  • DAREnet Community

    DAREnet Community

    ...build a transnational and interdisciplinary ecosystem to foster synergies, innovati...her key-stakeholders, such as flood mitigation experts from the industry and academ...titioners. The Roadmap will be the result of a systematic assessment and prioritisa...


    • Lyudmila Zaitseva

      BRIDGE Project Promotion Video

      BRIDGE is a collaborative project co-funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme. BRIDGE will build a system to support interoperability -...social -- in large-scale emergency management. The system will serve as a bridge betwee...
      Tags: Video, BRIDGE project, Interoperability, Situational awareness, Mobile ad-hoc networks, UAVs, Expert System, Decisions support systems
      • Lyudmila Zaitseva

        BRIDGE Project Field Test, St. Gilgen, Austria, 9 September 2014 (English subtitles)

        This video shows a field test conducted as part of the BRIDGE Alpine ValEDation Days,...ire service of St. Gilgen/Löschzug Winkl and the local police. Two BRIDGE systems – Advanced Situation A...
        Tags: Video, BRIDGE project, UAVs, Situational awareness, Expert System, Decisions support systems, Mobile ad-hoc networks, Field test




        • RBE

          SAYSO Webinar - 6th February 2018 at 15:00 CET

          ...A session/discussion Benefits of attending the SAYSO webinar Gain expert insight into SAYSO, its activ...the areas covered by the project, including practitioner requirements, system specifications and Reference...



          • Lyudmila Zaitseva

            BRIDGE Project Promotion Video

            BRIDGE is a collaborative project co-funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme. BRIDGE will build a system to support interoperability -- both technical and social -- in large-scale emergency management. The system will serve as a bridge between multiple First Responder organisations in Europe...
            Tags: Video, BRIDGE project, Interoperability, Situational awareness, Mobile ad-hoc networks, UAVs, Expert System, Decisions support systems
            • Lyudmila Zaitseva

              BRIDGE Project Field Test, St. Gilgen, Austria, 9 September 2014 (English subtitles)

              This video shows a field test conducted as part of the BRIDGE Alpine ValEDation Days, the first in the series of three Validation, Exploitation and Dissemination events organised in autumn 2014. These events are intended to demonstrate solutions for large-scale crisis management and bring them cl...
              Tags: Video, BRIDGE project, UAVs, Situational awareness, Expert System, Decisions support systems, Mobile ad-hoc networks, Field test