5 results for "DAREnet"


  • DAREnet public group

    DAREnet public group

    The DAREnet project is to support flood management practition...ment and Innovation related collaboration (=RDI). DAREnet is building a multi-disciplin...vation and its uptake. One of the key-results of DAREnet is a regularly updated RDI Ro...
  • Innovations and Best-Practices

    Innovations and Best-Practices

    This group represents one of DAREnet's core values, the DAREnet Knowledge Base. Here you are invited to share your knowledge on...uced by others, please make use of the comment function.   The DAREnet Knowledge Base is only rooted...
  • Challenges and Needs

    Challenges and Needs

    Here we invite you to share Needs and Challenges responders and flood managers encounter from your point of view. Members of the community should address questions lik...
  • DAREnet Community

    DAREnet Community

    ...vation related collaboration. DAREnet will build a multi-disciplina...novation and its uptake. The DAREnet Community: Enabler to accompl...l and local authorities. The DAREnet Dialogue will rely on the DAR...ilities. How you can support DAREnet DAREnet is currently prepari...