D7.2: Report on joint events with other research projects in the first year

Brief description :

Executive summary: To create synergies and optimise project results and impact, the PACIFIC project dedicates the Work Package 7 to collaboration and clustering with other research projects under the same call topic, and other relevant projects in the field funded by Horizon 2020 (H2020). PACIFIC partners thus collaborate with ongoing research initiatives in the mineral exploration area.

During the first year of the project, the collaboration took several forms, that are developed in this deliverable according to the following axes:

  1. Joint activities organised with other projects in the cluster;
  2. Participation in international events and conferences with other H2020 related projects;
  3. Ongoing and future collaborations.

This report must be understood as the first of three reports on joint events with other research projects, that will be produced through the duration of the project: D7.2 (M12), D7.3 (M24) and D7.4 (M36). Thus, the information provided, especially in the “Ongoing and future collaborations” section, will be reviewed or updated in next reports. 

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