PACIFIC's H2020 Mineral Exploration Clustering platform

PACIFIC's H2020 Mineral Exploration Clustering platform

Closed group: membership will be accepted upon invitation (or validation of a request by an administrator of the group).

H2020 Mineral Exploration Clustering platform

The objective of this Community Management Tool is to enable professional social networking and online collaboration between PACIFIC and the representatives of other H2020 research projects in mineral exploration - currently HiTech AlkCarb, INFACT, NEXT and Smart Exploration.

You can find the link to each project public website and the list of events in the field.


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PACIFIC's H2020 Mineral Exploration Clustering platform

PACIFIC's H2020 Mineral Exploration Clustering platform

A platform dedicated to clustering of projects in the field of mineral exploration funded by the EU H2020 programme


Owner: Adeline PAUL
Members: 20
Custom Layout: yes

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