www.wcoomd.org - The latest issue of the WCO News magazine is now available online. This issue includes an article relevant for C-BORD on development of a unified file format (UFF) by the WCO Technical Experts Group on Non-Intrusive Inspection (TEG-NII).
www.youtube.com - European collaboration SOLAR-JET has demonstrated for the first time the entire production path of renewable synthesized "solar" jet fuel, obtained directly from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.
waset.org - CWRM 2019 : 21st International Conference on Water Resources Management is the premier interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Water Resources Management. The conference will bring...
www.arttic.eu - Created in 1987, ARTTIC is the European leader in consultancy and management services for Research and Technological Development.
ARTTIC is an independent consulting company with:
An international presence
A proven track record
In depth...