www.wcoomd.org - The latest issue of the WCO News magazine is now available online. This issue includes an article relevant for C-BORD on development of a unified file format (UFF) by the WCO Technical Experts Group on Non-Intrusive Inspection (TEG-NII).
cordis.europa.eu - CORDIS is the Community Research and Development Information Service.
It is the European Commission's primary public repository and portal to disseminate information on all EU-funded research projects and their results in the broadest sense.
ec.europa.eu - This Participant Portal was established as an Internet portal for the stakeholders of the EU research and innovation programmes. It provides you a set of services to facilitate your participation in the programmes and related interactions with the...
https://shift2rail.org/ - Shift2Rail is the first European rail initiative to seek focused research and innovation (R&I) and market-driven solutions by accelerating the integration of new and advanced technologies into innovative rail product solutions. Shift2Rail...
www.arttic.eu - Created in 1987, ARTTIC is the European leader in consultancy and management services for Research and Technological Development.
ARTTIC is an independent consulting company with:
An international presence
A proven track record
In depth...
www.kurzweilai.net - Launched in 2000, Kurzweil Network explores the radical growth of pervasive technologies — both biological and machine — that are radically changing our world.
Based on forecasts and insights originally articulated by...