...inary during the progress and further work in SAYSO. Therefore, we would give you the chance to enrich with more details concerning aspects and requirements for Multi-Stakeholder Situati...
...zation (DIN) in Berlin. Its aim is to get feedback on the first project results so that they can be further refined. Notably, the practitioners requirements identified and the existing S...
...takeholders we started with gathering first requirements from practitioners on what a...liminary) inventory of practitioners’ requirements (see the file deliverable D2....rther discussion, we have drafted a list of requirements (see file list of requirement...
...ghts into the practitioners’ requirements, we compared the practitioners’ requirements we have been able to gather d...inventory of practitioners’ requirements) with the already on the mark...Analysis).
We found out that most requirements from practitioners are fulfil...
...of the list “work sheet additional information” and/or add further new aspects.
10 main and absolutely essential requirements for Situational Awareness Sys...