56 results for "disaster management"


    • Samuel Auclair

      Samuel Auclair

      Seismologist engineer - project manager in "disaster management"
      • Iasio Christian

        Iasio Christian

        R&D on disaster management: from risk assessment and hazard monitoring, to first response and long term recovery


      • DAREnet public group

        DAREnet public group

        The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innova...


        • Lyudmila Zaitseva

          BRIDGE Project Promotion Video

          ...roperability -- both technical and social -- in large-scale emergency management. The system will serve as a...fective and efficient response to natural catastrophes, technological disasters, and large-scale terrorist att...
          • Shahid Suddle

            ICWRM 2019 : 21st International Conference on Water Resources Management

            ...the fields of Water Resources Management. The conference will bring to...impact issues in river basin management Hydrologic risk and uncertai...limate mainstreaming Drought management Hydroinformatics - modelling...nagement Geo-information for disaster and risk management Applicatio...


            • RBE

              State of the Art Analysis (EC reference D2.1)

              ...ey element in successful crisis management (CM) is comprehensive Situa...ras, Special Detectors, Traffic Management and Decision Support Systems..... It is recommended that crisis management in EU Member States consider...esponse to natural and man-made disasters. Leading author: Friedrich St...




              • Adam Widera

                Adam Widera

                Area(s) of expertise: humanitarian logistics, Humanitarian disaster relief, Humanitarians, crisis management, disaster management, Design, Technology
              • DAREnet public group

                DAREnet public group

                The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innovation related collaboration (=RDI). DAREnet is building a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, ope...
                Tags: Flood, resilience, network, innovation, protection of citizens, disaster management, Disaster risk management, disaster response, Flood risk management, Flood prevention, Flood protection