Vladimir M. Cvetkovic is the Assistant Professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security and has been engaged in scientific research in the field of disaster studies for ten years. He teaches the following subjects: Disaster Risk Management, Protection and Rescue System, Risk Assessment Methodology and Development of Emergency and Other Disaster Management Plans. He has published over 220 research papers and 14 scientific monographs. He participated in more than 50 national and international scientific conference. As the best young scientist in Serbia, he got the Danubius Young Scientist Award for 2017. He is the founder of Scientific Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management in Serbia and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management.
...loped molecular and bio-informatics technologies. In addition, the project includes an exposure assessment of humans from animal and environmental sources. The ecological studies on i...
The aim of the SOURCE Network of Excellence is to create...urity research and development. The SOURCE Network of Excellence is buil...gramme of networking activities the SOURCE project will advance European...provement of societal security, the SOURCE Network of Excellence will me...
...mpact of antimicrobial usage in food-producing animals on human exposure to AMR determinants?
What are the most important transmission routes and sources of human exposure to AMR det...
...xploitation (news, events, success stories, magazines, multilingual "results in brief" for the broader public) and comprehensive links to external sources such as open access publicat...
...practitioners about available technologies
the organisational structure of the practitioners’ organisation,
the personnel and financial resources within the practitioners&rsq...
SOURCE Societal Security Confer...others will form the core of this SOURCE Societal Security Conference....sion in Austria
J Peter Burgess, SOURCE Scientific Coordinator, ...h; 12:10
Presentation of the SOURCE Multimedia Tools and Journal...
...e used natural (low-frequency) and anthropogenic (high-frequency) noise sources to map the velocity structur...T, focused on the high-frequency signal provided by anthropogenic noise sources, is an efficient technique f...
Brief description: At the invitation of Dr. Andrew Schaeffer (Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada), Dr. François Lavoué (UGA) presented the PACIFIC wor...
The aim of the SOURCE Network of Excellence is to create a robust and sustainable virtual centre of excellence capable of exploring and advancing societal issues in security research and development. The SOURCE Network of Excellence is built upon five types of activities: networking activities,...