4 results for "Other"


    • rodlist


      ...and sharing tools such as the CMT, SharePoint, Slack and Confluence plus Evernote etc. Most of these tools have some form of API or connections to other tools, some provide this via...
      • rodlist

        Looking for Input - community library

        ...help us set up a library which contains among other things the following content:...he content ourselves to the library, in future others will be able to create, edit...u, so if you have materials which is useful to others please let us know. You can...
        • rodlist

          Answer to question Integration/API

          ...ibaut, Thanks for your reply. Yes it would make life a lot easier as at present I am on many different "CMT" type platforms, and with some of the others it is possible to automate a...
          • Thibault Duvillier

            Answer to question Integration/API

            Dear Rod,   This is not yet possible I would say. But a better integration of the CMT with other tools is something we will try to have in a near futur. We will check internaly how to implement this and come back to you with a roadmap.   Thibault