Human ecological approach of the research and development network building, in the Danube catchment area.


Solution Name :
Theoretical approximation
Knowledge Type :
Solution Type :
Topic Working Group :


Mission Statement  :

This article supports DAREnet network building

Description :

One of the significant challenges of recent times has been the issue of sustainable development.
One of the prerequisites for minimizing environmental hazards and increasing resilience is the
application of an ecological perspective approach in research & development. One of the most
dynamically developing interdisciplinary fields of science, human ecology, is looking for a
the solution in the area of hydrological emergencies to reduce damage events and increase
resilience in the Danube River Basin.

Motivation :

The human ecological approach helps for practitioners in area of network development.

Readiness  :
Crisis Management Cycle Phase  :
Scope :
Key Target Group :
Crisis Size  :


Technique  :
Application :
Integration  :

Additional details

Resources  :
Know-How  :
Investment  :


Company :
Status :
Date / Period of Time :
Language :


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