Bringing all the results and findings from the former deliverables together in the (preliminary) Gap Analysis, SAYSO compared the practitioners’ requirements that could be gathered during the project so far (D2.2) with the already on the...
To facilitate the gathering of requirements SAYSO also has prepared Reference Scenarios (deliverable D2.3 Preliminary Reference Scenarios) for five main categories: natural hazards, technological hazards, security hazards (including CBRN), health...
Following a bottom-up approach, SAYSO compiled a first (preliminary) inventory of practitioners’ requirements with first ideas about what aspects, tools, functions and data should be integrated into respectively covered by a possible future...
SAYSO formulated a comprehensive State-of-the-art Analysis, naming user needs and requirements of the future EU Multi-Stakeholder Situational Awareness System, basing mainly on dedicated international research results. The state-of-the-art research...
This deliverable brings together the results of the deliverable "Preliminary inventory of practitioners’ requirements" (EC reference D2.2) and "State-of-the-art analysis" (EC reference D2.1) to look into gaps between the State-of-the-art...
Dear all,
Please find attached the Deliverable 2.3 - Reference Scenarios, related to the first question asked on our Community !!
We wish you a pleasant read !
This document comprises a list of reference scenarios for five types of use cases, namely natural hazards, technological hazards, security hazards (including CBRN), health hazards, and “socio-economic hazards”, defining different types...
This document deals with the practitioners’ requirements and the information needed by the end-users concerning situational awareness and Situational Awareness Systems. The situational awareness requirements from the civil protection...
Crisis managers, working in a fast-paced and mobile environment, need timely access to the latest information and intelligence and decision support tools to filter the most important information information. A key element in successful crisis...