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EU-ToxRisk online Case Study meeting

By Elisabeth Graf
Thursday, November 26 2020 09:00
to Friday, November 27 2020 17:15

EU-ToxRisk LogoEU-ToxRisk Online Case Study meeting

        26-27 November 2020

Welcome to the registration page of the EU-ToxRisk remote Case Study meeting, taking place on Thu 26 Nov and Fri 27 November 2020.



  • Status update + timeline of the new Case Studies
  • Mock submission planning of the new Case Studies (RAB / OECD)
  • Scientific publications on the new Case Studies



The following CS and WPs will be discussed at this meeting:

  • CS10 Multi target organ  -  CSL: Sylvia Escher (ITEM)
  • CS11 High concern tox profile screen  -  CSL: Bob van de Water (UL)
  • CS12/CS16 Low/No tox + Ab initio  -  CSL: Tom Cull (UNILEVER) & Donatella Carpi (JRC)
  • CS14 DNT/Neonicotinoids  -  CSL: Susanne Hougaard Bennekou (DTU)
  • CS_XL Cross-liver test systems  -  CSL: Wolfgang Moritz (IS)
  • CS15 Halogenated Alkenes  -  CSL: Paul Jennings & Jan Commandeur (VU)  -  (Plenary feedback session only)
  • WP4 - WPL: Iain Gardner (Simcyp)



The meeting agenda is available for download in the "FILES" section further down.

An overview of the sessions per day is also available in the "PROGRAM" section further down.



All sessions of the meeting will be organised via GoToMeeting, provided by ARTTIC.

The connection details (link to virtual meeting room + phone numbers for attendees dialing in by phone) are available for download in the "FILES" section, and also included in the meeting agenda.

Please note that the same connection details are valid for both meeting days, i.e. Thu 26 + Fri 27 November 2020.



We kindly ask all project partners and RAB members planning to attend this meeting to register for the sessions you are interested in. This will allow us, for each session, to get an overview of the number of participants and representation of the partners actively involved in the work of the various case studies.

To register to the event, please click on the "Register to this event" button in the "REGISTRATION" section below. A questionnaire will open up, allowing you to identify yourself and to select the sessions you would like to attend on each of the meeting days.

Registration will remain open until the day before the meeting start, Wed 25 November, but please do not wait until the last day to register.



If you have any questions regarding this event, or issues with registration, please contact the Project Office.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N° 681002.





Date: 2020-11-26
Meeting day 1
 09:00 - 11:00CS10 meeting
Multi Target Organ
 11:30 - 13:30CS11 meeting
High concern tox profile screen
 15:00 - 17:00CS12/16 meeting
Low-No tox / Ab initio

Contact Details

EU-ToxRisk Project Office

EU-ToxRisk Project Office: eu-toxrisk-arttic@eurtd.com