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EU-ToxRisk Round 2 Case Studies Meeting

By Charlotte Birke
Monday, June 24 2019 09:00
to Tuesday, June 25 2019 16:00

  EU-ToxRisk Logo

EU-ToxRisk Round-2 Case Studies Meeting, 24-25 June 2019,

             Egmond aan Zee (The Netherlands)



Welcome on the registration website of the EU-ToxRisk Round-2 Case Studies Work Meeting, taking place on Monday 24 June and Tuesday 25 June 2019 in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, in the Hotel Zuiderduin (http://www.zuiderduin.nl).




The objectives of this work meeting are the following:

  • Discuss and fix timelines for CS
  • Compile a list of planned assays for each CS



The following Case Studies will be discussed at this meeting:

  • Multi target organ (CS leader: Sylvia Escher, ITEM)
  • Low-tox/No tox prior/screen with ECHA (CS leader: Bob van de Water, UL)
  • Low-tox/No tox (CS leader: Tom Cull, UNILEVER)
  • Developmental neurotoxicity (CS leader: Susanne Hougaard Bennekou, DTU)
  • Halogenated Alkanes (CS leaders: Paul Jennings & Jan Commandeur, VU)
  • Joint JRC ab initio (EUTR CS leader: Andy White, UNILEVER; JRC CS leader: Maurice Whelan, JRC)



The detailed meeting agenda is available for download in the "FILES" section further down.



To make this meeting possible, part of the costs incurred for this meeting have to be covered by the EU-ToxRisk participants. The incurred costs can be charged against the EU-ToxRisk project budget of your respective partner organisations.


The following expenses are to be covered by the participants:

  • Accommodation (single room)
    • 72,50 EUR/pers./night
  • Day arrangement (lunch, coffee/tea/water during the breaks)
    • Full-day: 35,00 EUR/pers.

 The following costs will be covered by the organisers:

  • Renting of the meeting rooms and technical equipment
  • Dinner on Mon. 24 June 2019
  • The organised shuttle service to Egmond aan Zee (individually organised transportation has to be paid by the participants)


To facilitate arrival and departure, the EU-ToxRisk Project Office will organise a free shuttle transfer from Schiphol Airport and Amsterdam Centraal train station to Egmond aan Zee, and back.

Below please find the draft schedule (to be defined according to the arrivals of participants) for the shuttle service:


  • Sun. 23 June 2019 - 18:30 from Schiphol Airport to Egmond aan Zee
  • Sun. 23 June 2019 - 18:30 from Amsterdam Centraal to Egmond aan Zee
  • Sun. 23 June 201921:00 from Schiphol Airport to Egmond aan Zee (please see changed time)
  • Sun. 23 June 2019 - 20:30 from Amsterdam Centraal to Egmond aan Zee


  • Tue. 25 June 2019 - 16:15 from Egmond aan Zee to Schiphol Airport / Amsterdam Centraal

It is also possible to arrive and depart by public transports: Please refer to the "LOGISTICS PACK" in the "FILES" section below to arrange your arrival/departure individually.



Registration to the event is mandatory for all participants. To register to the event, please click on the "Register to this event" button in the "REGISTRATION" section below.
A questionnaire will open with a number of questions to reply to. The questionnaire also includes the timetable of the shuttle service.



Accommodation and day arrangements for the meeting (lunch, coffee/tea/water during the breaks) have to be booked individually by each participant.

Please note that reservation of your room and day arrangements at the Zuiderduin hotel has to be done via a separate, dedicated reservation website, set up by the Zuiderduin hotel.
In case of any problems or questions to this respect, please contact Mariska van Velzen at the Zuiderduin hotel: m.vvelzen@zuiderduin.nl

To reserve your hotel room and indicate the required number of day arrangements, please go the dedicated room reservation website here below:

*   *   *   *   *   *

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N° 681002.


Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee (The Netherlands) - Tel.: +31 (0)72-750 2000 - http://www.zuiderduin.nl
Zeeweg 52, 1931 VL Egmond aan Zee, NetherlandsPlan my route
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Contact Details

EU-ToxRisk Project Office

For any questions or help, please contact the EU-ToxRisk Project Office: eu-toxrisk-arttic@eurtd.com