Selected results from the SAYSO collection of EU practitioners requirements

SAYSO spent 1 ½ years collecting the requirements of EU Civil Protection and Emergency response practitioners through a series of technical workshop, the review of existing literature, the use of the experience of SAYS partners and the organisation of two EU-wide surveys. Practitioners (firefighters, police officers, paramedics, technical relief personnel, etc.) were questioned on their requirements, their use of and opinion on instruments, tools, devices, data, etc. during an emergency response or a civil protection mission. The next pages provide a selection of the main results.

Identified key areas for development in Situational Awareness


Selected results from the SAYSO survey – version 1, Summer 2018


Selected results from the SAYSO survey – version 2, June 2018

Biggest challenges for the adoption of Situational Awareness technologies

Most replies deal mainly with difficulties in the following areas:

  • the mind-set and willingness of practitioners for acceptance of innovations and new technologies, and the knowledge of the practitioners about available technologies
  • the organisational structure of the practitioners’ organisation,
  • the personnel and financial resources within the practitioners’ organisation, and
  • to establish a standardised and harmonised IT-solution connecting stakeholders properly on all relevant levels.


Instruments: I think that the following data/instrument is essential:


Symbols and Databases: I think that the following data/tool is essential:


Devices: I think that the following device is essential:


Incident Information Management Tools: I think the following tools are important:


Georeferenced maps: I think that the georeferenced map item below is essential:


Data management functions: I think that the following data management function is essential: 


Full results can be found in the public deliverable Inventory of practitioners’ requirements (EC reference D2.2)


    • RBE

      Dear Mr Rawer,

      Thank you for your message. Indeed the graphs produced and included in our reports included 126 replies. Since then we actually received another 26 replies which we have been processing, but we did not want to keep people waiting any longer! We are working on the distribution of the replies by organisation, which is a very relevant point. Full details will be released by April.

      What I can tell for now is that replies came from 16 countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Norway, Pakistan, Republic of Ireland, Spain, The Netherlands, United Kingdom).

      Replies predominantly came from Germany and the UK (78% of total replies).

      Replies mostly came from technical relief personnel (49%), firefighters (15%), paramedics (14%) and police (5%).

      Replies came mostly from tactical (silver) level - 36%, followed by operational (bronze) level - 30% - and strategic (gold) level - 18%. The rest of replies were marked as not applicable.

      I hope this answers your questions.

      Best regards,

      Romuald Beauvais

    • Anonymous

      Can you please give some more details about the statistics? It seems the data is based on 124-126 people? What background do they have? What about country distribution, organisation distribution, function distribution of the participants?


      - Marc Rawer

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