7 results for "citizens protection"


    • Elizabeth Haddad

      Victoria on LinkedIn

      Tags: Victoria, H2020, EU PROJECT, EUsecurity, Video Analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, video analysis technology
      • Elizabeth Haddad

        Victoria on Twitter

        Tags: VICTORIA, H2020, EU Project, EUsecurity, video analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, Video analysis technology
        • Elizabeth Haddad

          Victoria on Cordis

          Tags: Victoria, h2020, EU Project, EU Security, Video analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, Criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, Video analysis technology
          • Dominique wasquel

            Updated VICTORIA Press Release

            The press release initially provided at project launch has been updated after Manzalab has officially joined the consortium.
            Tags: VICTORIA, Press Release, H2020, EU Project, EU Security, Video analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, Criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection
            • Dominique wasquel

              VICTORIA General Presentation

              Please have a look at the VICTORIA General presentation, it will give you an overview of the project: its objectives and expected results
              Tags: Victoria, h2020, EU Project, EU Security, Video Analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, investigation, terrorism, criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection
              • Dominique wasquel

                VICTORIA General Presentation

                Please find here after the link to VICTORIA General Presentation which will give you at a first glance an overview of the project: its objectives and expected results. https://cmt.sym.place/file/view/123379/victoria-general-presentation
                Tags: VICTORIA, H2020, Law Enforcement Agencies, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, EU Project, EU Security, Video Analysis, investigation, Terrorism, criminal acts
                • Dominique wasquel

                  VICTORIA at SRE2018, 5-6 December 2018, Brussels

                  The Security Research Event, SRE 2018, will gather 800 participants representing a wide range of security stakeholders: researchers, industry representatives, public security providers and practitioners, as well as a wide number of policymakers from across Europe. VICTORIA members are convinced ...
                  Tags: VICTORIA EU PROJECT, H2020 Security Project, Video Analysis, EU Security, citizens protection, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION., PREVENTION