2 results for "Multi-Stakeholder Situational Awareness System"


    • John Alexander

      John Alexander

      Aquobex is a consultancy and provider of specialist flood mitigation solutions for all flood types. Aquobex Technologies is a sister company specialising in multi-hazard next generation early warning
      Area(s) of expertise: Flood mitigation, flood protection systems, early warning, Modelling, forecasting, Multi-Stakeholder Situational Awareness System
      • RBE

        Inventory of practitioners’ requirements (EC reference D2.2)

        This document deals with the practitioners’ requirements and the information needed by the end-users concerning situational awareness and Situational Awareness Systems. The situational awareness requirements from the civil protection practitioners are the basis and point of leverage to desc...
        Tags: Multi-Stakeholder Situational Awareness System, inventory, Situational Awareness systems, end-users