11 results for "Law Enforcement Agencies"


    • Elizabeth Haddad

      Victoria on LinkedIn

      Tags: Victoria, H2020, EU PROJECT, EUsecurity, Video Analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, video analysis technology
      • Elizabeth Haddad

        VICTORIA Public Website

        Tags: VICTORIA;, H2020, EU PROJECT, EUsecurity, Video Analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, protection, innovation, Video analysis technology
        • Elizabeth Haddad

          Victoria on Twitter

          Tags: VICTORIA, H2020, EU Project, EUsecurity, video analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, Video analysis technology
          • Elizabeth Haddad

            Victoria on Cordis

            Tags: Victoria, h2020, EU Project, EU Security, Video analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, Criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, Video analysis technology
            • Dominique wasquel

              Manzalab, now VICTORIA Partner

              On 30 April 2018, Manzalab Group has officially joined the VICTORIA Consortium! Partner Manzalab will provide its competencies in 3D graphic design and creation to generate synthetic animations in 3D environments and reproduce the typical scenarios that have been designed and recorded in the con...
              Tags: VICTORIA, Manzalab, H2020 Project, EU Project, EU Security, video analysis, synthetic animations, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, criminal actis, LEAs, prevention, Civil protection
              • Dominique wasquel

                Updated VICTORIA Press Release

                The press release initially provided at project launch has been updated after Manzalab has officially joined the consortium.
                Tags: VICTORIA, Press Release, H2020, EU Project, EU Security, Video analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, Investigation, Terrorism, Criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection
                • Dominique wasquel

                  VICTORIA General Presentation

                  Please have a look at the VICTORIA General presentation, it will give you an overview of the project: its objectives and expected results
                  Tags: Victoria, h2020, EU Project, EU Security, Video Analysis, Law Enforcement Agencies, investigation, terrorism, criminal acts, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection
                  • Dominique wasquel

                    VICTORIA General Presentation

                    Please find here after the link to VICTORIA General Presentation which will give you at a first glance an overview of the project: its objectives and expected results. https://cmt.sym.place/file/view/123379/victoria-general-presentation
                    Tags: VICTORIA, H2020, Law Enforcement Agencies, LEAs, prevention, citizens protection, EU Project, EU Security, Video Analysis, investigation, Terrorism, criminal acts
                    • Marcel van Berlo

                      Marcel van Berlo

                      Organization for Applied Scientific Research
                      Area of interest: Security Research, Human factors, Innovation Hub, Law Enforcement Agencies, research and innovation
                      • Dominique wasquel

                        VICTORIA (H2020 Project, Security): Video analysis for Investigation of Criminal and TerrORIst Activities

                        Video recordings have become a major resource for legal investigations. Since no mature video investigation tools are available and trusted by LEAs, investigators still need to carry out the analysis of videos almost exclusively manually. Current practices are too resource intensive to handle the...
                        Tags: Citizen protection, Fight against Crime and Terrorism, Video analytics, legal investigation, Law Enforcement Agencies, forensic, video metadata