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BIOCON-CO2 Workshop on enzymatic and biological conversion of CO2 to chemicals AND 2) BIOCON-CO2 Masterclass on approaches and potential of enzyme engineering

By benade
BIOCON-CO2 Workshop on enzymatic and biological conversion of CO2 to chemicals AND 2)	BIOCON-CO2 Masterclass on approaches and potential of enzyme engineering
Tuesday, January 21 2020 08:00
to Wednesday, January 22 2020 17:30

Workshop / Masterclass BIOCON-CO2

Hosted by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research and University of Groningen

DAY 1 (Workshop): Microbial and enzymatic CO2 conversion and CO2 conversion technologies

DAY 2 (Masterclass): Enzyme discovery and engineering, computational enzyme engineering (including computational exercises)

See programme for download below!

Organisers: Ana M. López-Contreras, Mark Sturme & Carmen Boeriu (WFBR) so as Marco Fraaije & Hein Wijma (RUG) are looking forward to welcoming you at this event (see picture below). There will be a one day workshop on the 21st of January and a masterclass on the 22nd of January 2020.

Registration: Participation is open for researchers, Ph.D. students and postdocs and free of charge within the limits of available spots. Travel and accommodation costs are not covered.

Location: Campus Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

See the source image

Campus Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Droevendaalsesteeg, Wageningen, NetherlandsPlan my route
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